Virginia Tech Shooting

I don’t want to be repetitive, so this article isn’t about the shooting itself. I think it has been enough ink shed on this subject. It is rather a reflection on the turns of this life and how a Korean boy was so fortunate to become a U.S. resident and even more fortunate to become a student in such a prestigious college like Virginia Tech, so fortunate and yet so…….I can’t find the right word…… many emotions….specially because I have a 20 year old boy in college (in Honduras though) and I can’t imagine how hard for the victim’s families all this situation is. All those hopes,careers & projects of those young souls got to a stop  by a sick mind. Also, I can’t help to think about how easy is to get a gun in USA, granted that getting a gun doesn’t mean killing somebody, but guns have few uses and even if killings represent a small %…even so…human lives are so precious that even the smallest % should be enough to implement even more rigid procedures to buy & carry guns.

My sympathies & prayers for the family victims, I hope schools & colleges could implement safety devices to prevent this from happening again, ever.


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